How to give up to 20 pounds without suffering?

How to give up to 20 pounds without suffering?
So you want to drop 20 pounds? Don’t worry, it won’t require completely overhauling your lifestyle. A few sustainable tweaks to your typical routine can help you drop the weight without much fuss. Of course, it won’t happen overnight.

“The length of time it will take to lose 20 pounds depends on a variety of factors, like genetics, exercise, and current nutrition habits,” says Jennifer McAllister, MS, R.D., a performing Strongwoman and a dietitian who works primarily with athletes and entertainers (two groups who sure as hell know how to optimize their nutrition).

“A generally accepted rate of healthy weight loss is a half-pound to one-pound per week. So, budget five-to-six months to achieve a 20-pound weight loss,” she says. McAllister explains that losing weight slowly helps you keep the weight off.

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  • T. Byhn